Tapping on Misconceptions about Violence against Women in Islam

12:05 - November 25, 2023
News ID: 3486152
TEHRAN (IQNA) – Islam elevated the status of women in the society that it emerged from, yet there are misconceptions about its view on women.

Tapping on Misconceptions about Violence against Women in Islam


Violence against women is a significant social issue worldwide and has been on the political and social agenda of countries and international institutions since the 1990s. 

This type of violence is not limited to certain cultures or countries as weaker and more vulnerable groups, such as women, children, the elderly, and minority groups, are oppressed victims of social and economic inequalities.

Islam does not say that women are superior to men or vice versa, stressing that both are human beings and that the level of their knowledge and piety determines their superiority. Therefore, violent rules cannot be the rules of Islam.

Violence against women is a deviation that occurs in human relationships, and the causes of violence against women in Islamic countries should be explored elsewhere.

Islam says it has recommended the most perfect way of life based on human nature as it has been accepted and followed by more than 2 billion Muslims worldwide.

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Some researchers have discussed how some interpretations of the Quran have lowered the dignity and status of women in the eyes of readers. One of these verses is verse 34 of Surah An-Nisa, which some people who doubt the sufficiency of religion use as a basis to attack Islam. To examine and understand this issue in detail, we will first look at the Quran's general view of women.

Quran’s two perspectives on women

The Quran views women from at least two different perspectives:

From the perspective of being human: In this perspective, a woman is a human being who can be a believer in divine decrees or a disbeliever, and there is no difference between the two genders in the consequences of their beliefs and actions. There are verses in the Quran that clearly show the same view of men and women in this regard.

From the perspective of social status in society: This perspective looks at the role, duties, rights and performance of women in society, including the whole society and its smaller parts, such as the family. From this perspective, there is a difference between men and women and different rulings for men and women in the social arena are justified.

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In the final analysis, the Quran aims to preserve the basis of family. The Quran's discourse in the mentioned verse is also about the family. It is on this basis that when a woman violates her duties after she has received her right to alimony from her husband, this verse is mentioned to bring the woman back to the atmosphere of love that forms the foundation of the family.

Need to know the history

Another way to look at this issue is to say that every religion's message was inevitably influenced by the social and cultural conditions at the time of its revelation. What is missing in these debates between the two groups who support or oppose the "misogynism" of the Quran and Islam is the context of the Quran's revelation and the situation of the Arabs in the early years of Islam. Therefore, the patriarchal context of the Quran's revelation has naturally reflected itself in the Quran's interpretations. Also, the patriarchy that dominated the society of that time has caused the main message of the Quran to be gradually forgotten.

Therefore, to understand the message and the main purpose of the Quran, one must consider the context of the revelation of the verses and also examine the message of the Quran as a whole. Interpreting the verses individually, without considering the spirit of the Quran and the overall content of the Surah, as well as without considering the context of the verses, can lead to wrong perceptions and discriminatory interpretations on the issue of women.

Women and Quran interpretation

Riffat Hassan, a Muslim researcher, also believes that the Quran proscribe equality for all but because women have been historically absent from the interpretation of the Quran, all the interpretations have been based on men’s opinion which has sometimes led to discriminatory view towards women. According to Hassan, if women had been allowed to participate in the interpretation of the Quranic verses, then we would have better interpretations.

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The lack of education for Muslim women in some Muslim countries and the oppression of patriarchal societies have prevented them from playing their active role, and as a result, a section of Muslim women remains ignorant of their rights. Therefore, to combat this issue, it is not enough to give women equal opportunities in employment and social and political rights, it is also necessary for them to be educated so that they can recognize the misconceptions about women, know their duties, and be aware of equality emphasized in the Quran.

How Islam revolutionized women’s status

When the Quran was revealed, it brought a revolutionary message for women who were discriminated and oppressed, and it immediately abolished some patriarchal traditions. However, it was not possible to cancel all the patriarchal laws and traditions at once, because it could cause many difficulties for the spread of Islam and, for example, make many people disobey God's orders. Therefore, the best approach was gradual change and reforms; This means that some of the patriarchal laws and customs were abolished, such as the fact that women did not inherit anything before Islam; But Islam gave them the right of inheritance, or that men could have unlimited wives, and Islam limited this to four wives. Also, in the Arab society of that day, men could easily divorce their wives; But Islam placed various restrictions on divorcing women.

During the Jahiliyyah, the value of humans was considered to be fighting and economic activity, and for this reason, women were deemed less valuable; But Islam saved the woman and raised her status. It is unfair to say that Islam discriminates between men and women. Islam is not the source of violence against women and violent interpretations are personal. Jahiliyyah-based views that existed about women have been effective in increasing misogyny.

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Some researchers have studied the false beliefs in the era of Jahili Arabs. One of these beliefs is that women are defenseless consumers; This means that among the ignorant Arabs, they preferred men who were swordsmen and had economic activity, and they buried women who were defenseless consumers and could not use a sword. Another belief is that women have less intellect than men, and therefore, women should obey men. This is a belief that has never been proven. Another belief is that men are deceived and seduced by women, and that men should avoid women for this reason. This misogynist view reached its peak in the Abbasid era.

The increasing violence against women is rooted in false traditions, not in religion and religious beliefs. Violence against women will decrease when people and government bodies and civil institutions fight against its main causes.

